Tuesday, April 16, 2019

April 16 Journal Entry

.        Romeo seems to be fickle with his affections. First he loves Rosaline and then he loves Juliet with a passion. How would you treat Romeo if he were your friend? What advice would you give him based on your knowledge of "fickle" friendships?

Use the Following Template to complete your Reflection

Reflection Journal Entry
Title:__________________ Author: _______________________
Literary Device (optional): _____________________

Text to Self Connection:_________________________________________________________

Nothing was attempted: no template information & no paragraph was written
Only a template is completed with basic information; the paragraph may be competed with vague or illogical information
The template is complete and the paragraph is completed logically and clearly.
The template is complete and the paragraph is precise, sophisticated or thorough

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April 10

Journal Writing

When Romeo and Juliet meet at the party they fall in "love at first sight". Considering their age, is this real love? What is your opinion of "love at first sight?" 

Class Activity:
Annotation will be used to identify and analyze Romeo's words characterizing Juliet.
Analyzing these word choices: Is Romeo's love for Juliet different from that that he displayed for Rosaline?  If so, how?  Use specific reference to the text.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Romeo and Juliet

April 9th
This Journal entry has three parts!  First two parts has you defining Romeo's love for Rosaline.  The Third part has you picking a form, and using text cues to reinforce your ideas.
Is Romeo in love with Rosaline or is it infatuation? 
What is the difference?
If you had a friend who was in a similar situation to Romeo's what advice would you give that person? (This can be a letter, face-to-face conversation, Twitter posts, Facebook messages). 

April 16 Journal Entry

.         Romeo seems to be fickle with his affections. First he loves Rosaline and then he loves Juliet with a passion. How would you tre...